SPRINT 4th Edition 2017: Guidelines Caldo Consortium
Specific requests for proposal submissions from researchers of: Queen's University, University of Waterloo, University of Saskatchewan
Available at:
Queen’s University:
University of Waterloo:
University of Saskatchewan:
GUIDELINES: Call for Proposals from Researchers of Participating CALDO Institutions
FAPESP and a Consortium of leading Canadian universities (the CALDO CONSORTIUM) signed a new Research Cooperation Agreement on 15 September 2016 (, aiming to implement scientific and technological cooperation between researchers from CALDO member institutions in Canada, and from the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil, through the funding of joint research projects.
The first Cooperation Agreement between FAPESP and the CALDO consortium was signed in 2012 and terminated in 2014. Under this Cooperation Agreement 13 research projects were funded as a result of a joint call for proposals ( the new Agreement, as a first action to continue this fruitful collaboration, FAPESP and three participating CALDO member institutions (Queen's University, University of Saskatchewan, University of Waterloo) make public this Call for Proposals for the exchange of researchers under the terms and conditions of the SPRINT 4th Edition 2017 ( and hereinafter set forth.
1. Eligibility
1.1 Eligibility to submit proposals within the scope of this Call:
a. From CALDO, all tenured or tenure-track faculty members from the participating CALDO universities and all researchers based in affiliated hospital research institutes who hold full-time academic appointments at one of the four participating CALDO member institutions: Queen´s University, University of Saskatchewan, and University of Waterloo.
b. From FAPESP, researchers in the State of São Paulo who have ongoing research projects funded by FAPESP within one of its funding lines as noted in items 3 and 7 of the FAPESP call (
1.2 Eligibility for the exchange activities within the scope of this Call:
a. The proposals must aim to respect the principle of reciprocity with regard to academic qualifications of those who will take part in the exchange activities.
b. PhD students and post-doctoral fellows in one of the four participating CALDO member institutions.
c. Considering the principle of reciprocity, FAPESP exceptionally may either support PhD students from the State of São Paulo to take part in the scientific missions. In this case, the PhD student(s) must have an ongoing FAPESP fellowship during the planned exchange mission to the partner institution.
2. Fields of knowledge
This Call for Proposals invites research proposals in all fields of knowledge.
3. Duration of the project for the exchange of researchers
The maximum duration of each project is 24 months.
4. Timeline
Call announced by FAPESP and the four participating CALDO member institutions |
October 31st |
Closing date for submission of proposals |
January 29th |
Successful proposals notified after |
April 27th |
5. Funding principles
FAPESP will provide funding of up to the equivalent of CAD 12,500 (twelve thousands and five hundred Canadian dollars) per successful proposal and the participating CALDO member institutions will provide funding of up to CAD 12,500 (twelve thousands and five hundred Canadian dollars) per successful proposal, for the duration of the grant. These funds will cover research-related mobility expenses, under the provisions of Clause 5 of the Research Cooperation Agreement (, which include economy flights, local travel expenses, accommodation, meals and incidentals.
6. Proposal characteristics for researchers of participating CALDO member institutions:
6.1 The research proposal form, budget forms and worksheets are available at The proposal shall be composed of a Research Project having a maximum of five (5) pages of scientific content, written jointly by the Principal Investigator of the Host Institution in the State of São Paulo and the Principal Investigator at the participating CALDO member institution. The Research Project must be written in English, and include the following:
a. A substantive description of the exchange activities, emphasizing their relevance. The proposal must state clearly how the exchange activities to be carried out will contribute to the ongoing research project funded by FAPESP and to the research being carried by the partner researcher abroad.
b. A timeline for each specific exchange mission, considering the limit of missions and funding established in this Call.
c. Performance indicators for the planned activities.
d. A description of each candidate’s contribution to the mission, explaining their expertise to carry out the foreseen activities.
e. Foreseen actions that will add to the impact of the exchange for the Partner Institution and for the Host Institution in the State of São Paulo, e.g. by means of seminars, short courses and visits to other institutions that carry out research activities in cognate areas.
6.2 The following additional documents required by the participating CALDO member institutions:
a. Full curriculum vitae for each Brazilian and Canadian Principal investigators and of key collaborators (maximum of 4 CVs, free format).
b. Detailed budget and justification of planned expenditures.
7. Submission of proposals to participating CALDO member institutions
7.1 Submissions should be made by email before the deadline specified in item 4 to the identified contact person at the participating CALDO member institution as noted below:
a. At Queen’s University – Karen Samis, Assistant Director, Grants and International Research Development,
b. At University of Waterloo – Drew Knight, Director, Global Research and Strategic Alliances,
c. At University of Saskatchewan – Dr. Diane Martz, Director, International Research and Partnerships Office,
7.2 In order for an application to be considered valid, application documents must be submitted to both the participating CALDO member institution and FAPESP by their respective researchers.
8. Analysis and Results
8.1 A Joint Committee made up of representatives from FAPESP and participating CALDO member institutions will make final decisions regarding the projects to be funded. Only the proposals selected by both parties will be funded.
8.2 The evaluation criteria for this Call are:
i) Excellence of the Principal Investigators and team members;
ii) Fit and complementarity of team members;
iii) Participation of early-career researchers;
iv) Quality of the proposal, anticipated impact/visibility and sustainability of the collaboration over the long term; and
v) Budget justification and proposed calendar of activities.
8.3 Final results will be announced on the FAPESP website (, on participating CALDO member institutions web portals and by means of direct communication by participating CALDO member institutions to their institution’s researchers.
9. Contracts for selected projects
a. The selected proposals will be the subject of two research grants, one to be signed by FAPESP and Principal Investigator in the State of São Paulo and the other to be signed by the participating CALDO member institution and its Principal Investigator in Canada.
b. The following additional documents is required by CALDO:
Letter of Agreement of the Host Institution in the State of São Paulo to which the PI from São Paulo is affiliated. The same document is required by FAPESP in item 6.2.3 at The Letter of Agreement may be delivered after the notification of results of this call for proposals and before the grant agreement signature.
10. Information about this Call at participating CALDO member institutions
All questions related to this Call for Proposals should be directed to individuals listed under item 7 above.