
FAPESP- IDRC Aedes Control Technologies Exchange Workshop

Tuesday, October 29 – Venue: FAPESP

8h30 - 9h00 Register and Welcome Coffee
9h00 - 9h20 Welcome remarks
Prof. Hernan Chaimovich (FAPESP)
Dr. Roberto Bazzani (IDRC)
9h20 - 9h35 Workshop objectives and Agenda
9h35 - 10h00 IDRC - Approach to the prevention of Aedes transmitted diseases – Q&A
Dr. Roberto Bazzani (IDRC) Download Download
10h00 - 10h20 Presentation of Participants
10h20 - 11h00 Mexican groups’ presentations: The Yucatán Team
(30’ presentation - Q&A 10’) Download
11h00 - 11h40 Mexican groups’ presentations: The Oaxaca Team
(30’ presentation - Q&A 10’) Download
11h40 - 12h30 Brazilian project presentations: 2 groups
(15’ each presentation – Q&A 10’) Download Download
12h30 - 14h00 Lunch break (restaurants around FAPESP)
14h00 - 15h40 Brazilian project presentations: 2 groups
(15’ each presentation – Q&A 10’) Download Download Download
15h40 - 15h55 Break
15h55 - 16h30 Potential for exchanges – Facilitated Plenary Session
16h30 - 16h45 Scheduling of inter-team meetings for Wednesday, Oct 30
16h45 - 17h00 Closing remarks
Prof. Hernan Chaimovich (FAPESP)
Roberto Bazzani (IDRC)

Wednesday, October 30 – Venue FAPESP

Inter-team meetings to exchange approaches and methods and assess the potential to eventually consider further exchanges.


Location: https://fapesp.br/2016

Suggested hotels nearby: https://fapesp.br/5661

Página atualizada em 07/11/2019 - Publicada em 22/10/2019