Chamadas de Propostas

Chamada de propostas / Call for proposals Agilent 2019

Identification and validation of new Schistosoma vaccine candidates using phage-display based systems
Processo / Grant number: 2020/01917-9
Acordo / Agreement: Agilent
Pesq. Resp. / PI: Sergio Verjovski Almeida
Instit. sede / Host Institution: Instituto Butantan/IB/SSSP

Molecular and structural characterization of RNA binding proteins acting as potential disease targets in cancer and neurology
Processo / Grant number: 2020/02006-0
Acordo / Agreement: Agilent
Pesq. Resp. / PI: Katlin Brauer Massirer
Instit. sede / Host Institution: Centro de Biologia Molecular e Engenharia Genética/CBMEG/UNICAMP

Página atualizada em 06/10/2020 - Publicada em 06/10/2020