Cláudia Regina Plens Versão em português

Cláudia Regina Plens

Area Panel - Humanities and Social Sciences

Professor (Associate 2) of Historical Archeology at the Department of History, Federal University of São Paulo (Unifesp), responsible for the Laboratory of Archaeological Studies (LEA/Unifesp), professor at the Postgraduate Program in History at Unifesp and Creator and Coordinator of the Specialization Course in Forensic Anthropology and Human Rights at Unifesp (responsible for the discipline of Forensic Archeology of the specialization course). Bachelor in Universidade Estácio de Sá (Unesa), Master in University of São Paulo (USP) and Doctor in Archeology (USP) (sandwich doctorate at York University, Canada, - Alban scholarship).

She works in research on the pre-colonial and historical period. In pre-colonial Archeology, he works mainly in research related to the topics of Formation Process of Archaeological Sites, Food Archeology (zooarchaeology and stable isotopes) and Bioarchaeology. In the historical period, his research is related to the Archeology of Colonialism, post-colonialism, territoriality, indigenous issues, Military Dictatorship and Forensic Sciences.

She is currently responsible for two projects funded by the Center for Humanitarian Resources and Human Rights of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences and the Center of Excellence in Forensic Technology of the National Institute of Justice and RTI International (USA), lead researcher on a project funded by the international call for proposals: Trans-Atlantic Social Innovation Platform – International Research Collaboration (FAPESP) – in partnership with the University of Winnipeg, Canada, and the Polish Institute of Sciences, Poland.

Page updated on 06/27/2022 - Published on 06/27/2022