
Democracy, Governance and Trust Call

FAPESP and the Trans-Atlantic Platform (T-AP) partnership invite you to join the last webinar to clear up any questions you may have about the T-AP call on Democracy, Governance and Trust (DGT), including doubts on the use of the proposal submission platform SAGe.

This T-AP call aims to deepen and widen our knowledge and understanding of opportunities, challenges, and crises relevant to democracy, governance and trust.

If you are a researcher who seeks to understand how these themes are integral to the tackling of both short-term crises and long-term challenges, please join us for our webinar on October 5 at 10 AM BRT. We will be available to answer any questions you may have.

To optimize the Q&A session, questions may be sent in advance to the event organizers through the registration form. Additional questions may be posed during the webinar using the e-mail address chamada-tap@fapesp.br.


10:00 am Opening
10:15 am Presentation of the call and submission system
10:40 am Questions and answers
12:00 pm Closing

Call for proposals: www.transatlanticplatform.com/activities/democracy-governance-trust/

Call for proposals (in Portuguese, with FAPESP rules): fapesp.br/16142

There will be no certificate/declaration of presence for events broadcast on YouTube.

Página atualizada em 21/09/2023 - Publicada em 31/08/2023