
Meet-Up Integrated Biorefineries of The Future

Is the purpose of your research to create unique technologies to produce building blocks for the chemical industry from biomass?

Would you like to meet up with companies and researchers who are working with biomass as a raw material for industry?

FAPESP and NWO, with support from ChemistryNL (Top Sector Green Chemistry and Circularity, The Netherlands), are inviting to a meet-up session aimed at bringing together research and industry partners from Brazil and the Netherlands working in the field of bio-feedstock for a circular economy.

This event will be an opportunity to meet the major players involved in the area and learn more about the bio economy sector. A pre-announcement of the proposed call and other NL-BR collaboration initiatives, such as Global Stars and Mission Innovation will take place during the session.

08h30 Registration
09h00 Opening Session
09h20 FAPESP Presentation
Marcio de Castro, Scientific Director - FAPESP
Rubens Maciel, Bioen/FAPESP
09h30 Dutch Funding Opportunities
NWO, Call and KIC programme
Global Star Call (RVO)
10h00 Break time
10h15 Brazilian and Dutch researchers & companies pitches
10h15 Session 1 (5 pitches and Q&A)
11h45 Session 2 (5 pitches and Q&A)
12h15 Session 3 (5 pitches and Q&A)
12h30 Session 4 (5 pitches and Q&A)
13h00 - 14:30 Network Session

Booklets (click to download):

Attendees Speakers and Companies

Official language: English (simultaneous translation will not be provided).

Supported by:

Página atualizada em 14/12/2023 - Publicada em 13/11/2023