
FAPESP and Baylat announce result of call for proposals Versão em português

FAPESP and Baylat announce result of call for proposals

Five proposals were selected from researchers from São Paulo and Bavaria to conduct workshops.

FAPESP and Bavarian Academic Center for Latin America (BAYLAT) announce the result of a call for proposals launched in September 2023 to support the realization of workshops.

Five proposals were selected. Each comprises two workshops, to be organized by researchers from the Free State of Bavaria, Germany, in cooperation with researchers from institutions in the state of São Paulo.

One of the workshops will be in the state of São Paulo and the other in the Free State of Bavaria. The first workshop must be realized between 1 June 2024 and 31 May 2025. The second workshop will take place between 1 June 2025 and 31 May 2026.

The call for proposals is designed to provide financial support to bring together a cohort of early-stage researchers and PhD students who are about to defend their thesis, from the Free State of Bavaria and the state of São Paulo, to take part in workshops focusing on building links for future collaboration and enhancing the researchers’ career opportunities.

Selected proposals:

T cell heterogeneity and their Function in Health and Disease
FAPESP Grant Number: 2023/15940-0
PI: José Carlos Farias Alves Filho
Host Instituition: Ribeirão Preto Medical School/FMRP-USP
PI abroad: Caspar Ohnmacht
Instituition abroad: Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU)

Trends in Mathematical Sciences
FAPESP Grant Number: 2023/15943-0
PI: Everaldo de Mello Bonotto
Host Instituition: Institute of Matemathical and Computer Sciences of São Carlos/USP
PI abroad: Enrique Zuazua Iriondo
Instituition abroad: Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg/FAU

Avanços e integração entre experimentos e modelagem da dinâmica de florestas tropicais
FAPESP Grant Number: 2023/15945-2
PI: Celso Von Randow
Host Instituition: INPE/MCTI
PI abroad: Anja Rammig
Instituition abroad: Technische Universität München (TUM)

Food BaySP workshops – Adding value to agroindustrial by products
FAPESP Grant Number: 2023/15956-4
PI: Ana Carla Kawazoe Sato
Host Instituition: School of Food Engineering/UNICAMP
PI abroad: Peter Eisner
Instituition abroad: Fraunhofer-Institut für Verfahrenstechnik und Verpackung (IVV)

Diversidade, Multilinguismo e Contacto: Perspectivas Linguísticas, Socioculturais e Didácticas
FAPESP Grant Number: 2023/15960-1
PI: Manoel Mourivaldo Santiago Almeida
Host Instituition: Faculty of Philosophy, Languages and Literature, and Humanities/USP
PI abroad: Joachim Steffen
Instituition abroad: Angewandte Sprachwissenschaft (Romanistik), Universität Augsburg

Photo by crystal170 in Pixabay

Page updated on 04/19/2024 - Published on 04/19/2024