FAPESP and Universidad de La Frontera launch new call Versão em português

Researchers from the Chilean university and the state of São Paulo can present proposals for collaborative research on five themes.
FAPESP and Universidad de La Frontera (UFRO), Chile, announce their fourth call for joint project proposals
This call aims to promote and strengthen collaboration between researchers associated with UFRO and researchers affiliated to higher education and research institutions in the state of São Paulo, and is a result of their 2019 cooperation agreement.
The call is open until 28 July 2024 and will accept proposals on five themes: climate, water, human and social crises; Culture, Art and Heritage; University education in the 21st century; New technologies; and Health and well-being.
Researchers from UFRO and the state of São Paulo must co-create the proposals, which should have a PI from each side. Priority will be given to multi- and interdisciplinary proposals, and to those that seek the establishment of international networks beyond São Paulo and Chile.
Up to five research projects will be selected to be funded for up to two years. Universidad de La Frontera will grant up to US$ 50,000 per Project. For the proponents of research institutions in São Paulo, the proposal will be processed in FAPESP as Research Regular Grants.
The text of the call is available (in Portuguese) at: