DAAD Versão em português

The agreement established between FAPESP and the Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD, German Academic Exchange Service) aims to implement scientific and technological cooperation between researchers from Germany and the state of São Paulo through financing mobility of researchers and postgraduate students in joint research projects.
Projects on topics of mutual interest and the sharing and application of knowledge and results are expected, seeking to strengthen existing links between the scientific communities of both regions and also to foster new collaborations, particularly encouraging the inclusion of young researchers.
First Amendment signed on November 16, 2023 - valid until November 20, 2028.
Cooperation agreement signed on November 2018 - valid for 5 years | Text in German
Cooperation Agreement signed on September 1988 (in Portuguese only)
Call for proposals:
PROPASP (Germany - São Paulo Research Program: Call for Proposals 2024 | Selected proposals
PROPASP (Germany - São Paulo Research Program): Call for Proposals 2022 | Selected proposals
Research projects selected in joint calls with FAPESP