
FAPESP Research Program on Global Climate Change Workshop (May 11 and 12, 2011)

FAPESP Research Program on Global Climate Change Workshop - Workshop do Programa FAPESP de Pesquisa em Mudanças Climáticas Globais



9h30 Opening
Prof. Carlos Henrique de Brito Cruz
Scientific Director, São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP)
Prof. Reynaldo Luiz Victoria PDF
Coordinator, FAPESP’s Research Program on Global Climate Change
9h45 10h20 Keynote Talk
Application of remote sensing in global change research (Title to be confirmed)
Dr. Shaun Quegan PDF
Department of Applied Mathematics
University of Sheffield, UK
10h30 10h50 Effects of emissions on current and future rainfall
Prof. Arnaldo Alves Cardoso PDF
Institute of Chemistry (IQ/UNESP, Araraquara)
10h55 Coffee Break
11h15 11h35 Mini-face experiment to analyze the effects of elevated CO2 and warming on photosynthesis, gene expression, biochemistry, growth, nutrient dynamics and yield of tropical forage species
Prof. Carlos Alberto Martinez y Huaman PDF
Department of Biology (FFCLRP/USP, Ribeirão Preto)
11h40 12h00 Effects of global climate change on the Brazilian fauna: a conservation approach
Prof. Carlos Arturo Navas Iannini PDF
Institute of Biosciences (IB/USP)
12h05 12h25 Global climate change modeling: the Brazilian Model of the Global Climate System (MBSCG)
Prof. Carlos Afonso Nobre PDF
National Institute for Space Research (INPE/MCT)
12h30 12h50 The evaluation of energy efficiency on CO2 equivalent abatement potentials according to different technology dissemination policies: guidelines to public policy-makers
Prof. Gilberto de Martino Jannuzzi
Interdisciplinary Centre for Energy Planning (NIPE/UNICAMP)
12h55 Lunch
14h30 15h20 Keynote Talk UK Foresight projects, including the International Dimensions of Climate Change project
Sir John Beddington PDF
Chief Scientist
United Kingdom
15h30 Coffee break
15h50 16h10 Carbon tracker and water availability: controls of land use and climate changes
Prof. Humberto Ribeiro da Rocha PDF
Institute of Astronomy, Geophysics and Atmospheric Sciences (IAG/USP)
16h15 16h35 Assessment of impacts and vulnerability to climate change in Brazil and strategies for adaptation options
Prof. José Antonio Marengo Orsini PDF
National Institute for Space Research (INPE/MCT)
16h40 17h00 Generation of alcohol production scenarios as support for the formulation of public polices applied to the adaptation of the national sugar and alcohol industry to the climate changes
Prof. Jurandir Zullo Junior PDF
Center of Meteorological and Climatic Research Applied to Agriculture (CEPAGRI/UNICAMP)
17h05 Urban growth, vulnerability and adaptation: social and ecological dimensions of climate change on the coast of São Paulo
Profa. Lúcia da Costa Ferreira PDF
Nucleus of Environmental Studies and Research (NEPAM/UNICAMP)
17h25 Q&A


09h30 10h20 Keynote Talk
Brazilian Panel on Climate Change
Tercio Ambrizzi PDF
Coordinator of the Working Group 01
Brazilian Panel on Climate Change
10h30 10h50 Early warning system for emerging infectious diseases in Southwestern Amazonia: adaptation to the negative impacts of global climate change on human health
Prof. Manuel João Cesário de Mello Paiva PDF
Graduate Programme on Health Promotion (UNIFRAN)
10h55 Coffee Break
11h15 11h35 Narrowing the uncertainties on aerosol and climate changes in São Paulo State – NUANCE – SPS
Profa. Maria de Fátima Andrade PDF
Institute of Astronomy, Geophysics and Atmospheric Sciences (IAG/USP)
11h40 12h00 The impact of tillage and harvest practices on soil CO2 emission of sugarcane production areas, Southern Brazil
Prof. Newton la Scala Júnior PDF
Department of Exact Sciences (FCAV/UNESP, Jabuticabal)
12h05 12h25 AEROCLIMA – Direct and indirect effects of atmospheric aerosol particles on climate in Amazonia and Pantanal
Prof. Paulo Eduardo Artaxo Netto PDF
Institute of Physics, USP
12h30 12h50 The role of rivers on the regional carbon cycle
Prof. Reynaldo Luiz Victoria
Centre for Nuclear Energy in Agriculture (CENA/USP)
12h55 Lunch
14h30 14h50 Models and actors in the transition towards a low carbon economy
Prof. Ricardo Abramovay PDF
Department of Economics (FEA/USP)
14h55 15h15 Monitoring the microbial diversity and functional activities in response to land use changes and deforestation under soybean and sugarcane cultivations
Profa. Siu Mui Tsai PDF
Centre for Nuclear Energy in Agriculture (CENA/USP)
15h20 15h40 Land use change in Amazonia: institutional analysis and modeling at multiple temporal and spatial scales
Dr. Gilberto Câmara
National Institute for Space Research (INPE/MCT)
15h45 Coffee Break
16h00 Round Table: Objectives and organization of the FAPESP’s Research Program on Global Climate Change (PFPMCG)
Program’s Coordination


Página atualizada em 08/06/2011 - Publicada em 02/05/2011