
Program - IPCC SREX Regional Outreach Meeting

Agenda: 16th August

08:30 - 09:00 Registration
09:00 - 10:00 Opening Ceremony (Centro de Convenções Albert Einsten - Moise Safra Auditorium)
Avenida Albert Einstein, 627 – 1º andar Bloco A, - Morumbi - São Paulo - SP
10:00 - 12:00 Panel Discussion of Major Findings
  Moderator and commentator: Tércio Ambrizzi, USP-Brazil
10:20 - 10:35 Overview presentation of the Report (Vicente Barros, IPCC WG2 co-chair)
10:35 - 10:50 Extremes, Vulnerability and exposure - Chapters 1-2, (Sebastian Vicuña) PDF
10:50 - 11:05 Climate Extremes in South and Central America - Chapter 3 (Jose Marengo) PDF
11:05 - 11:20 Regional Impacts, Losses - Chapter 4 (Carlos Nobre) PDF
11:20 - 11:35 Disaster Risk Management in the Region - Chapter 5-7 (Úrsula Oswald Spring) PDF
11:35 - 11:50 Case Studies - Chapter 9 (Mario Nuñez)
11:50 - 12:00 Questions and answers
12:00 - 13:00 Press Conference (Chella Safra Auditorium) – only for invited people
Press Focused Event, webcast: Ministerial Level Representatives from Brazil and other countries, IPCC WG Co-Chair, Civil Defense and Disaster management representatives from the region, Private Sector, NGO, Academy
  Senior commentator: (Carlos Eduardo Lins da Silva, journalist)
12:00 - 13:00 Posters Presentation by young scientists on major Brazilian initiatives relevant de SREX
12:00 - 13:00 Lunch
14:00 - 16:00

Policy and Practice Forum
Moderator and commentator: Freddy Picado

• Presentation on major science initiatives
• Presentation of key government sector initiatives
• Presentation on key private sector initiatives
• Presentation on regional policy framework
• Presentation on major NGO programme

Carlos F de Angelis - CEMADEN, Brazil
Ana Deysi Lopez - MARN, El Salvador PDF
Alberto Maturana - Universidad de Chile, Chile PDF
Ricardo Peñaherrera - Municipio de Quito, Ecuador PDF
Pablo Pastor - CEPREDENAC, Guatemala
Felipe Yupa - La Positva Seguros, Peru PDF
Jose A.Aravéquia - CPTEC, Brazil PDF
Melva Gonzalez - CENEPRED, Peru PDF
Olga Penalba - Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina PDF
Carlos Rittl - WWF, Brazil PDF

16:30 - 16:45 Coffee Break
16:00 - 17:30

SREX Hard Talk

Moderator and commentator: Ms. Ana Lúcia Azevedo, journalist

Panel to include IPCC SREX author team, researchers on climate extremes, experienced practitioners, managers and leaders of disasters and relief institutions from federal and state governments from the region

Topic 1: Characteristics of disaster impacts in developing countries and challenges
Topic 2: Disaster risk reduction must be a cornerstone of national economic and social policy
Topic 3: What does it mean for Central and South America?, is there is a human imprint on some disasters?

Carlos Nobre - SEPED MCTI, Brazil
Vicente Barros - CIMA/Universidad de Buenos Aires-IPCC, Argentina PDF
Virgina Fernandez - Presidencia da la República, Uruguay
André Có Silva - Ministério da Integração, Brazil PDF
Luci Hidalgo Nunes - UNICAMP, Brazil PDF
Steven Price - CKDN, Colombia
Carlos Klink - Ministério do Meio Ambiente, Brazil
Eric Alfaro - Universidad de Costa Rica, Costa Rica PDF
Fabio Feldman - FPMC, Brazil 

18:00 - 19:30 Reception co-hosted by FAPESP and Government of Norway

Agenda: 17th August

09:30 - 9:45 Recap on Day 1 and Introduction of Break-out Groups (BOGs) (Auditorium)
Moderator and commentator: Jose Marengo
09:45 - 10:00 Introduction to Break-out Group Meetings
(Note: BOG1, 2 and 3 will work in Portuguese and Spanish with simultaneous translation)
  Break Out Group 1 Break Out Group 2 Break Out Group 3
Topic Regional Action: Responding to the SREX Report Findings

National Action:
Responding to the SREX  Report Findings

Community Action: Responding to the SREX Report Findings
Chair Tercio Ambrizzi Mario Nuñez Eduardo Mendiondo
Rapporteures Iracema Cavalcanti Gilvan Sampaio Patricia Pinho
Venue Auditorium Moise Safra Meeting Room TBD Meeting Room TBD

Are regional institutions and policy frameworks adequate for dealing with the challenges set out in SREX?
If not, what needs to change? Are these incremental or transformative?
Is the use of science and social science in guiding policy and decision-making sufficient?
How can action become more evidence based?
How can uncertainty in projections be dealt with regionally?

Are national institutions and policy frameworks adequate for dealing with the challenges set out in SREX?
If not, what needs to change?  Are these incremental or transformative?
Is the use of science and social science in guiding policy and decision-making sufficient?
How can action become more evidence based?
How can uncertainty in projections be dealt with regionally?

How suited are community-based approaches to future changes in extreme events, vulnerability and exposure?
What changes are needed at community level to reduce impacts?
How can action become more evidence based?
How can uncertainty in projections be dealt with regionally?


12:00 - 14:00 Lunch
12:00 - 14:00 Posters Presentation by young scientists on major Brazilian initiatives relevant de SREX
14:00 - 15:00 Reports back from the BOGs
15:00 - 15:30 Closing Ceremony
Representatives from FAPESP, IPCC, and from Governments of Brazil and Norway


Página atualizada em 20/08/2012 - Publicada em 20/06/2012