

DAY 1 - 29th
08h30 Registration and welcome coffee
09h30 Welcome and Opening Remarks
Carlos Henrique de Brito Cruz, Scientific Director, FAPESP
Hernan Chaimovich, Special Adviser, FAPESP – Workshop Chairman
Henrique Rzezinski, Vice President Policy & Corporate Affairs, BG Brasil
09:40 Innovation & Research in SP, Natural Gas Specifics and the Role of FAPESP
Ronald Martin Dauscha, FAPESP, Area Panel Committee – Research for Innovation (member)  PDF
10:00 BG Technology Challenges and Aspirations – Natural Gas Utilisation
David Jones, Technology Manager (Carbon Management & Gas Utilisation), BG Group, UK PDF
Patricia Rocha, BG Brasil, Market Fundamentals, Brazil PDF
10:40 Break
10:55 Workshop Organisation and Administration, Ground Rules, Housekeeping etc: Day 1 agenda
Alistair Punt, BG – Workshop Facilitator 
11:05 Q&A session
11:20 Gas Futures - a European Perspective
Nigel Brandon OBE, Director Energy Futures Laboratory, Imperial College, London PDF
11:50 International Update #2
Bill Liss, Director of End Use Solutions, Gas Technology Institute, Chicago PDF
12:20 Lunch
13:20 International Update #3
Kenji Maeda, Technology Planning Manager, Tokyo Gas, Tokyo PDF
13:50 International Update #4
Adrian Richardson, Head of Microgeneration, Technology & Innovation, Centrica plc, UK PDF
14:20 Orientation for group activities
Alistair Punt, BG – Workshop Facilitator, UK PDF
14:30 Q&A session
14:45 Break
Delegates work in groups to brainstorm a high level list of key technology themes and project areas (within the four challenge topics), bearing in mind the context and background information presented: these themes and project areas will then be rationalised and grouped, and then the delegates will prioritise on which will be worked in detail on Day 2 of the workshop. BG/FAPESP will validate the selection.
17:00 Review of Day 1 and Day 2 preview
17h15 Close


DAY 2 - 30th OCTOBER
08:00 Welcome Coffee and sign in
09:00 Day 2 organisation and administration
Alistair Punt, BG – Workshop Facilitator
09:15 Syndicate Session 1 – PROJECT SCOPING
Delegates form into work groups to undertake further work on the project areas prioritised in each of the four challenge topics, and produce output in accordance with a guidance note to be circulated at the workshop. Each theme will have a “core” group of delegates pre-allocated to it – the remainder of the attendees will self select their groups, and may transfer between groups at the end of each syndicate session.

Some of these syndicate sessions (Session 2) may incorporate short presentations by some of the international delegates where they have experience or relevant input appropriate to the work group topic area.
10:30 Break
10:45 Syndicate Session 2 – PROJECT SCOPING (cont.)
12:00 Lunch
13:15 Syndicate Session 3 – PROJECT SCOPING (cont.)
Includes final preparation for group presentations (40 min.) (max. 6 slides per topic area)
15:10 Break
15:25 Plenary feedback
Syndicate groups to present conclusions: 4 presentations * 20 min. (including Q&A)
16:45 Feedback closure and concluding remarks
Carlos Henrique de Brito Cruz, Scientific Director, FAPESP
David Jones, Technology Manager (Carbon Management & Gas Utilisation), BG Group
17:10 CLOSE

Página atualizada em 31/10/2012 - Publicada em 28/09/2012