



Panel Coordinator
Eduardo Cesar Leão Marques is a full professor at the Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Researcher at the Brazilian center for Analysis and Plnanning (CEBRAP),  and a member of the coordination for special programs of the Sao Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP). He graduated in Civil Engineering, has a master degree in urban planning and a doctorate in Sociology from the University of São Paulo. His works in research on Structure and Transformation of the State, focusing on the following subjects: public policies, urban sociology and politics, social networks and urban poverty.


Gilberto Câmara has been the director of the Brazilian National Space Research Institute (INPE) from 2005 to 2012. He led the Institute’s initiative to offer free access to the satellite images generated by Brazilian satellites, boosting their use in the analysis of environmental, economic and social data. He will talk about his experience on leading the construction of large spatial information systems to support decision-making – e.g., in forest protection, food production, urban zoning, spatial security, and biodiversity preservation.

Abel Parker is the director of SCiELO/FAPESP (Scientific Electronic Library Online), a major digital scholarship initiative that covers a collection of 1,015 Latin American scientific journals registering more than 10 million article visits per month SCIELO includes Scielo Social Sciences, a repository of social science publications that increases the visibility to research results of Latin America social scientists. He will discuss the impact of Scielo onraising the visibility and impact of Latin American science and in building research collaboration.

Claudia Bauzer Medeiros is a full professor of Computer Science at the University of Campinas (UNICAMP). She led multidisciplinary projects on agro-environmental planning and biodiversity. She will talk about a unique database, the LATTES CV repository, which counts to date more than 1,8 million publicly accessible CVs from Brazilian professors, researchers, and students in all disciplines. LATTES has been used for analysis of the dynamics of research interactions (both within and outside Brazil) and by research agencies and institutions in Brazil for academic planning and project selection.

Renata Bichir was the General Coordinator of the Department of Results and Impact Evaluation of the Ministry of Social Development and Hunger Alleviation. Now she is a fellow researcher at IPEA, working on a project on state capacity to implement social policies in BRIC’s countries. She will discuss the Central Registry for Social Policies (CadÚnico), the main database used by the Brazilian government to select the beneficiaries of several social programs, including the Bolsa Família Program, one of the largest and well succeeded programs for poverty mitigation. The Central Registry is a tool for collecting data concerning all Brazilian low-income families, which specifies parameters for welfare entitlement. Currently, it has more than 21 million families registered and is the tool employed to target Brazilian social programs’ beneficiaries.

Tiago Peixoto worked for 10 years as a practitioner and researcher in the field of ICT and participatory governance. Currently, he is open government specialist at the ICT4Gov program of WBI’s Open Government cluster. Prior to joining the Bank, Tiago worked in the field of participation and technology to the European Commission, OECD, the United Nations, and the Brazilian and UK governments. His talk will concentrate on the field of e-democracy by analyzing new initiatives worldwide to improve democracy with the employment of digital basis and new technologies.

Página atualizada em 05/02/2013 - Publicada em 05/02/2013