The BIOTA/FAPESP Program: 12 years of a successful experience in combining biodiversity research, capacity building, bioprospection and public-policy impact, in São Paulo, Brazil.
Carlos A. Joly – University of Campinas and BIOTA-FAPESP
9:40 am
Dimensions US-BIOTA-São Paulo: A multidisciplinary framework for biodiversity
prediction in the Brazilian Atlantic forest hotspot
Ana C. Carnaval and Cristina Y. Miyaki – The City University of New York and University of São Paulo
10:10 am
Geomorphology and paleoclimates of the Atlantic Forest, and their potential
evolutionary implications
Francisco W. Cruz, Carlos Grohmann, Silvio Hiruma – University of São Paulo and Geological Institute
10:40 am
Coffee break and poster presentation
11:10 am
Raising the ghosts of communities past (whit DNA)
Mike Hickerson – The City University of New York
11:40 am
Temporal scales of climatic changes and paleodiversity patterns in the Atlantic Rainforest
Marie-Pierre Ledru – Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, Montpellier
12:10 am
Historical biogeography and climatic niche evolution in Leandra s. str. (Melastomataceae)
Marcelo Reginato and Fabian A. Michelangeli – The New York Botanical Garden and The City University of New York
12:40 am
Lunch Break (restaurants around FAPESP)
2:30 pm
Atlantic Forest and landscape ecology - a multi-scale perspective
Milton C. Ribeiro – São Paulo State University – Rio Claro
3:00 pm
Climate modeling, INPE´s projections for the 21st century, and the distribution of Brazilian biomes
Gilvan Sampaio – National Institute for Space Research
3:30 pm
Vulnerability of Atlantic Forest protected areas to climate change
Rafael D. Loyola – Federal University of Goiás
4:00 pm
Coffee break and poster presentation
4:30 pm
The Global Biodiversity Observation Network (GEO BON): some phylogenetic challenges
Dan P. Faith – Australian Museum
5:00 pm
Round Table and Discussion
5:30 pm
Closing Remarks
Cristina Y. Miyaki - The University of São Paulo