
FAPESP funded researchers present an overview of science in Brazil during China visit

The need to strengthen ties between Brazilians and Chinese in the field of science and technology is becoming increasingly clear in the face of both countries’ growth in different fields that range from academic research to manufacturing. Some of the discussions for expanding the Sino-Brazilian partnership will take shape April 16-18, 2014, on the occasion of FAPESP Week Beijing – Brazil-China Scientific Collaboration in Peking.

The event is sponsored by the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) together with Peking University (PKU) and will bring researchers from both countries together in the Chinese capital to discuss studies in the fields of materials science, the environment, renewable energy, agriculture, life sciences, medicine and health.

The symposium’s main focus will be to expand the relationship between researchers from the state of São Paulo and researchers from several academic and research institutions in China, for the purpose of promoting joint studies that could benefit the people of both countries.

Strategic ties between China and Brazil in science and technology are due to the fact that in recent years, China has made dramatic progress in research and development due to the significant investments it has directed towards S&T, making it one of the largest global investors in research, a fact that is clearly reflected by its level of academic production and economy, for example.

In September 2013, the Chinese Ambassador to Brazil, Li Jinzhang, visited FAPESP accompanied by the Chinese Embassy’s Political Advisor in Brasília, Tian Min, and Civilian Attaché of the Chinese Representation in Brazil, Deng Huan, to discuss increased strategic ties between the two countries in science and technology fields.

The following month, a delegation from Peking University led by PKU President Wang Enge visited FAPESP to learn more about the mechanisms used to finance research in São Paulo as well as acquire a better understanding of the state’s principal academic and research institutions.

Conversely, Foundation representatives visited Peking in June 2013 and March 2014 to discuss and prepare for the event that is about to take place.

The Peking symposium is part FAPESP’s efforts to internationalize Brazilian research. Since 2012, the Foundation has been organizing scientific symposiums in Washington, DC, Morgantown, Cambridge, Charlotte, Chapel Hill, and Raleigh (US), Toronto (Canada), Salamanca, Madrid (Spain), Tokyo (Japan) and London (United Kingdom).

In order establish the studies funded by the Foundation as among the world’s best, FAPESP has entered into partnerships with international research institutions along with research-funding agencies and companies in countries known for their high quality research.

Scientific cooperation

According to the Chinese ambassador in Brazil, China has, in recent years, significantly increased its investments in science, technology and education, a fact that has made other sectors of Chinese society keenly aware of the benefits accrued and thus engendered their support as a matter of priority. This, he said, would explain the important participation by companies in Chinese science and technology development.

For Celso Lafer, FAPESP president, now is the time for the Foundation to include China in its internationalization efforts, given the significant investments that have been made by the Asian country in research and development.

“São Paulo could become an important partner in the production of knowledge for Chinese universities and research institutions since it produces 50% of all Brazilian science. Our research in several fields has rapidly become more international, and we need to create an environment in which to expand our science and technology production with the Chinese as well. Therefore, the values both of our countries place on science can further the forging of stronger ties between our societies,” he said.

According to Carlos Henrique de Brito Cruz, scientific director of the Foundation, growing Chinese scientific production justifies closer ties between the research institutions of that country. “The events of FAPESP Week have established opportunities to increase the visibility of science conducted in São Paulo, and thus establish opportunities for international collaborative projects. We hope that the week’s activities will help to increase opportunities with researchers in China, especially those at Peking University, which is responsible for a significant share of Chinese scientific production.”


On the first day of sessions, after an introduction by the FAPESP scientific director, who will provide an overview of science and technology in the state of São Paulo, researchers from the two countries will present findings from their work in the fields of materials sciences and nanomaterials. These presentations will include the development of electrostatic discharge models and their potential use in energy production and conservation.

The second day of the event will be reserved for presentations by researchers in the fields of environmental sciences and renewable energy. They will present the latest information about developing the Brazilian Earth System Model, which incorporates knowledge of tropical forests and oceans and their influence on climate change as well as technologies to overcome challenges in producing second and third generation bio-fuels.

Agriculture, biological sciences, medicine and life sciences will be the topics covered by researchers on the event’s third day. Among the presentations slated are studies on the relationship between investments in human capital and technological changes in agriculture, research into strategies for modifying plant physiology for the process of food and bioenergy production, and new technologies in neuroimaging, magnetic resonance and biomarkers for the treatment of epilepsy.

As part of the program, Peking University will also welcome the exhibition Brazilian Nature – Mystery and Destiny, devoted to the dissemination of information about Brazilian biodiversity. The complete program of events is available at: The event is open to the public, but registration is required.

Brazilian biodiversity

The result of a partnership between FAPESP and the Berlin Botanical Museum, the exhibition displays the documentation of German botanist Carl Friedrich Philipp von Martius (1794-1868) in his work Flora brasiliensis, which, 173 years after publication of its initial volume still stands as the most complete survey of Brazilian and South American flora ever made.

The botanist’s work also led to the project ‘Flora Brasiliensis On-line and Revisted’, which includes updated nomenclature of von Martius’ original work along with information about species described after the initial publication and recent illustrations.

The exhibition also presents a comparison between the 19th century drawings and current photographs of plants and biomes in addition to depicting some of the findings of research performed under the scope of the project Phanerogamic Flora of the state of São Paulo and the BIOTA-FAPESP program on biodiversity, which has conducted research for the description, conservation, recovery and sustainable use of the biodiversity in the state of São Paulo.

Conceived on the basis of information obtained through these three FAPESP funded projects, the exhibition features 37 panels with reproductions of prints and illustrations along with explanatory text. The display that now arrives in China has already been viewed in Berlin, Bremen, Leipizig, Heidelberg, Eichstätt and Erlangen (Germany), Toronto (Canada), Washington, DC, Cambridge, Morgantown, Charlotte, Chapel Hill e Raleigh (United States), Salamanca and Madrid (Spain), Tokyo (Japan) and London (United Kingdom).

The Exhibition opens to the public April 15, 2014 at the Peking University Library where it will remain through April 29, 2014. A digitized version of the exhibition may be viewed with captions in Portuguese, English, German, Spanish, Japanese and Mandarin Chinese at: publicacoes/braziliannature/.

About Peking University

Founded in 1898 as the Imperial University of Peking, the university took its current name in 1912. It was the first modern national university as well as the highest administrative agency for education established in China at the time.

In 1952, to meet the demands for reform in China, Peking University became a national key university given its humanities and sciences programs and their emphasis on research. In April 2000, Beijing Medical University merged with Peking University, totally changing PKU’s composition and diversity.

It now consists of schools in the fields of natural sciences, applied sciences, engineering and medicine, as well as the humanities, social sciences, education and the study of foreign languages.

Located in China’s capital city, the institution presents a variety of other fields and is currently seeking to strengthen its ties with some of the world’s principal universities in order to establish itself as China’s preeminent institution of higher learning. To learn more, visit:


Established in 1962, the São Paulo Science Foundation (FAPESP) is among Brazil’s most important science and technology research-sponsoring agencies. Maintained by the transfer of 1% of the state’s total tax revenue, the Foundation operates directly with the scientific community of São Paulo State in all fields, funding research proposals selected on the basis peer review, a methodology that utilizes opinions issued by Brazilian and foreign researchers as the basis for project financing decisions.

In 2013, FAPESP expenditures exceeded US$511 million in funding awarded to research projects. Approximately one third of the Foundation’s annual disbursements are targeted to the training of researchers through grants. Over 50% are made in academic research and 10% are invested in application-oriented research in small companies or in university and corporate partnerships as well as to support the formulation of public policies.

Throughout its 51-year history, FAPESP has awarded approximately 112,000 research scholarships – from undergraduate through post-doc – and over 99,000 grants to researchers in the state of São Paulo.

Funding is provided to research in all areas of science as well as in technology, engineering, the arts and the humanities. FAPESP also provides funding to research in fields of strategic interest to Brazil through thematic programs such as biodiversity, climate change and bioenergy. To learn more, please visit:

FAPESP Week Beijing – Brazil-China Scientific collaboration

Date: April 16, 17 and 18, 2014

Venue: Peking University (PKU)


Registration: eventos/week2014/beijing/registration

Brazilian Nature Exhibition

Peking University Library – April 15 – 19, 2014

Additional information: publicacoes/braziliannature/

Press Release:

FAPESP Communications Management Office / Press Office

Samuel Antenor +55 11 3838-4381

Fernando Cunha +55 11.3838-4151