
Frontiers of Engineering: Format


Binational conference: 50% UK and 50% Brazil

Approx.. 60 participantes total

Meeting materials: compiled by RAEeng/FAPESP and sent to all partipants prior to the meeting

Conference Language: English (no translate to Portuguese)

Interdisciplinary conference covering topics from a variety of engineering fields

Four sessions with two speakers each from the UK an Brazil

Session structure:

Brief introduction of the session topic and introduction of speakers by session chair (s)

Four talks on specific topics within the field: must cover innovations in research and be “cutting-edge”

Each Speaker has 25 minutes for the presentation followed 20 minutes Q&A (45min/speaker total)

* Duration: 2 ½ days

Nov 5th – Welcome breakfast to the UK participants / Evening Welcome reception

Nov 6-7-8th – Four Plenary Sessions:

Day 1

Morning Session

Afternoon Poster Session (46 posters)

Theme 2 Session

Day 2

Morning: Cont. Theme 2 session / Begin Theme 3

Afternoon: Poster Session / Finish Theme 3 session / Theme 2 Session

Day 3

Morning: Theme 3 session

Afternoon: participants free to leave

Day 4

Some people will stay until lunch

Página atualizada em 08/10/2014 - Publicada em 16/09/2014