FAPESP Research Program on Global Climate Change

The FAPESP Research Program on Global Climate Change - (RPGCC) aims at advancing knowledge on Global Climate Change. The foundation expects that the results of the selected research projects will assist in scientifically orienting decisions and policy in the field.
The Program will have a substantial technological component for the development of the appropriate technologies for the future, not merely concerning innovative technologies for the mitigation of emissions, but also technologies for adaptation in all sectors and activities, given that the degree of climate change has now become inevitable.
The Program will also develop an observational component, which should involve the recovery and expansion of regional and paleo-climatic climatic observations, to overcome the lack of quality environmental observations for research, which has proved to be an enormous obstacle to the scientific advance of the subject in Brazil. This will be obtained in association with other funding mechanisms both internal and external to the State of São Paulo. Finally, it should be highlighted that the Program will include a research component on the science and climate policy interface.
The RPGCC will consider proposals for research which fall within the scope of the Program described, including, in particular, the following areas, the detailed description of which will shortly be available in a reference document to be found on this page.
a) Consequences of global climate change in the functioning of ecosystems, with emphasis on biodiversity and the water, carbon and nitrogen cycles.
b) Balance of radiation in the atmosphere, aerosols, trace gases and changes in land uses.
c) Global climate change and agriculture and livestock farming.
d) Energy and greenhouse gas effects: emissions and mitigation.
e) Climate change and effects on human health.
f) Human dimensions of global climatic changes: impacts, vulnerabilities and social and economic responses, including adaptation to the climate changes.
Research proposals in other areas related to the theme of Climate changes may be submitted, provided they are genuinely justified in their connection with the Program and its objectives.