Calls for Proposals

Call for Proposals Research Grant - Project Generation – 2024 Versão em português

Duration: 60 months, with the possibility of extension for up to 12 additional months, under exceptional conditions and with justification accepted by FAPESP.

Submission instructions: Applications for the Research Grant - Generation Project must be made exclusively through the online SAGe platform at:, complying with the conditions established in this Call. In SAGe, under the tab “Manuals”, you can find documents that guide user registration, proposal preparation and submission.

Contact at FAPESP: Dr. Simone Godoi -

1. Purpose and characteristics (back to index)

The Research Grant - Generation Project aims to support research projects based on unabashed ideas that promote the development of a successful research career and rise in research institutions in the state of São Paulo.

With the Research Grant - Generation Project, FAPESP offers differentiated medium-term funding conditions to enable researchers to start a solid scientific career. Since the Research Grant - Generation Project is intended for researchers without employment relationship, a Generation Project Fellowship is also offered for the maintenance of the Principal Investigator (PI), who must be exclusively dedicated to the project's development.

Proposals will be analyzed in three phases:

a) Phase 1 - Pre-proposal for eligibility check: in this phase, only the information and documents listed in section 10.1 are required.

b) Phase 2 - Full proposal: for proposals considered eligible in the the pre-proposal phase, it will be necessary to complete the proposal by presenting the information and documents as described in section 10.2.

c) Phase 3 - Project presentation and interview: projects approved in Phase 2 will undergo an explanatory oral presentation to an evaluation committee, according to the information listed in section 10.3.

1. 1. Research Grant - Generation Project (back to index)

The Research Grant - Generation Project aims to support research projects based on unabashed ideas, asking fundamental questions, with the purpose of making significant contributions to their fields and also promoting the development of a successful research career in research institutions in the state of São Paulo.

Scientific research plays a crucial role in promoting social, economic, and technological development, culminating in the well-being of citizens. Within this context, both disruptive and incremental research are essential pieces of the scientific puzzle. Disruptive scientific research is characterized by radical advances that challenge existing conceptions and transform paradigms. It is the fertile ground where innovative minds venture in search of new frontiers of knowledge. This often risky and bold approach can generate discoveries with transformative power. However, while disruptive research receives great attention, incremental research plays an equally vital role. This type of research builds on existing knowledge, refining theories, methods, and technologies. Unlike the radical approach of disruptive research, incremental research seeks to improve what is already known, often resulting in gradual but significant advances. Furthermore, it is important to recognize that disruptive and incremental research often coexist in the same scientific journey. Disruptive discoveries can open doors to a series of incremental research, as scientists work to understand, refine, and apply new ideas and should be encouraged early in the careers of young researchers.

Such projects should be developed by early-career researchers with excellent potential. Researchers without employment relationship at the time of proposal hiring can submit proposals to this Call. Additionally, the proposer must have graduated less than 12 (twelve) years ago and hold a doctoral degree obtained less than 7 (seven) years before the proposal submission deadline, except in situations provided for in Ordinance 171/2024 . To verify these requirements, the year of completion on the Graduation and Doctorate certificates will be considered.

In return, FAPESP will require that the Host Institution commits to the purposes of the Research Grant - Generation Project, ensuring adequate working conditions for the Principal Investigator (PI), which includes: physical space, infrastructure, laboratories, research dedication time, technical and administrative support staff, and the freedom to recruit students for the project (enrollment in graduate programs).

1.2. Generation Project Fellowship (back to index)

a) As the Call presumes Principal Investigator (PI) without employment relationship, the budget necessarily includes the Generation Project Scholarship for the project development period.

a.1) For its implementation, after contracting the Generation Project Grant, the researcher must access the Grant process in SAGe and, in the " Mais Ações" menu, choose the option " Utilizar Quota de Bolsa." Instructions for proposal submission are available in the “Manuais de Apoio aos Pesquisadores” available under the tab "Manuais" within SAGe.

b) Components of the Generation Project Scholarship:

b.1) Monthly payments: the amount of the Generation Project Fellowship is defined in the Table of Values for Scholarships and Fellowships in Brasil, available at

b.2) Installation Allowance: considering the same rules applicable to the FAPESP Post-Doctoral Scholarship in Brasil, Generation Project recipients who need to move to the city where the Host Institution is located can apply for the Installation Allowance benefit, within the rules described at

b.3) Maternity/Paternity Leave: period of leave without payment interruption in the event of advent of offspring (considering the same rules applicable to the FAPESP Post-Doctoral Scholarship in Brasil, available at

c) The Generation Project Fellowship requires exclusive dedication to research. The Generation Project Fellowship recipient cannot have an employment relationship, nor can they receive, during the entire term of the fellowship, a scholarship or fellowship from another entity, salary, or remuneration resulting from the exercise of activities of any nature.

c.1) Under exceptional and justified conditions, defined in Ordinance PR No. 05/2012 , FAPESP may grant authorization for activities that contribute to the development of the research project. In this case, for the purposes of applying the Ordinance, the same rules applicable to Young Researcher fellowship recipients will be considered for Generation Project.

c.2) The authorization referred to in the Ordinance must be requested through the submission of a Change Request of the type "Authorization to Perform Activities," to be submitted in the Fellowship process in SAGe.

c.3) In the event that the Principal Investigator (PI) is hired by a Research Institution, either in the state of São Paulo or elsewhere, they must immediately inform FAPESP, and the Generation Project Fellowship will be terminated. The Generation Project Grant may continue to be funded upon FAPESP's analysis, provided it is developed in a Teaching or Research Institution in the state of São Paulo.

2. Duration (back to index)

The Research Grant - Generation Project can last up to 60 months, with the possibility of extension for up to 12 additional months, under exceptional conditions and with justification accepted by FAPESP.

3. Funding (back to index)

The resources granted by FAPESP are exclusively intended to support research activities as described in item 9 of the rules of this Call. Up to 40 proposals will be selected in this call.

Each proposal may request a maximum amount of up to R$ 1,500,000.00 (one million five hundred thousand reais), including expenditure items such as Permanent Material, Consumables, Third Party Services, possible scholarships or fellowships (except for the Generation Fellowship), Fringe Benefits, and Research Overhead. The Generation Fellowship is mandatory and constitutes an additional amount (not included) to the maximum amount mentioned above (R$ 1,500,000.00).

The requested amount must be compatible with the scope and objectives of the presented research project and with the institutional support capacity guaranteed by the Host Institution. FAPESP reserves the right to approve amounts lower than those requested, based on the results of the proposal review and selection process.

4. Schedule (back to index)



Call Launch


Deadline for pre-proposal submission

Till 31/10/2024

Announcement of selected pre-proposals to submit full proposal (FAPESP – Principal Investigator (PI) communication)

From 06/12/2024

Deadline for full proposal submission

Till 13/01/2025

Announcement of selected full proposals for project presentation and interview

From 19/07/2025

Project presentation and interview

Till 16/08/2025

Announcement of final results

From 08/09/2025

For questions about this Call, send an email to Dr. Simone Godoi:

5. Definitions (back to index)

The definitions inherent to this Call are presented in Attachment 1.

6. Requirements for application (back to index)

6.1. Principal Investigator (PI) (back to index)

a) The Principal Investigator (PI) must not have an employment relationship at the time of contracting the proposal.

a.1) References to the researcher having an "employment relationship" or "being hired by the Institution" in this notice encompass any work relationship, even if not subject to the Consolidation of Labor Laws, and even if based on non-contractual legal acts.

a.2) If, during the term of the Grant, the Principal Investigator (PI) is hired by the Host Institution of the project or any other Institution, in the state of São Paulo or elsewhere, they must immediately inform FAPESP. The Generation Project Grant may continue to be funded upon FAPESP's analysis, provided it is developed in a Teaching or Research Institution in the state of São Paulo.

b) The proposer must have graduated less than 12 (twelve) years ago and obtained a doctoral degree less than 7 (seven) years before the proposal submission deadline, except in situations provided for in Ordinance 171/2024 .

b.1) For verification of these requirements, the year of completion stated on the Graduation and Doctorate certificates will be considered.

c) Candidates are expected to demonstrate successful experience as a researcher and evident academic independence from advisors and supervisors.

6.2. Host Institution (back to index)

Ensure support for the infrastructure needs of the project, as stated in the document: Annex II - Information approved by the Host Institution about institutional infrastructure (mandatory document for submission).

7. Required conditions and obligations (back to index)

The required conditions and obligations for this Call are presented in Attachment 2.

8. Restrictions (back to index)

The existing restrictions for this Call are presented in Attachment 3.

9. Allowed items (back to index)

The budget of the research project presented to FAPESP must be detailed, and each item must be specifically justified in terms of the objectives of the proposed project. Applicants are advised to read the Norms for Use of Resources and Accountability of Grants and Scholarships/Fellowships, available at . The fundable items include the components described below.

9.1. Research project funding (back to index)

a) Permanent Material purchased in Brasil and imported;

b) Consumables purchased in Brasil and imported;

c) Third-Party Services contracted in Brasil and abroad;

c.1) When the request includes costs for payment of third-party services from a legal entity at the Host Institution of the project or Partner Research Institutions, the justification for this service must be detailed and itemized, including the cost composition of the requested service in consumables, personnel, and other costs. All personnel costs must be borne by the respective Institution. The cost of the requested service will be analyzed, considering compatibility with other suppliers of similar services.

d) Transport and Per Diem expenses for activities directly related to the proposed research, including the arrival of Visiting Researchers;

e) Fellowships - Associated Submission: Fellowships may be implemented throughout the project's duration. Fellowship recipients may be selected by the researcher. Fellowship quotas may be reallocated during the project's duration, provided they are fully justified, among the modalities provided in the Call and within the approved financial resources for this associated submission. The reallocation of BCO (Associated Submission) quotas depends on the submission and approval of a Change Request for Budget Change. Only the Principal Investigator (PI) can act as a supervisor for the Fellowships requested in the project.

e.1) Scientific Initiation, as per the regulations described at . The student must have already completed a sufficient number of relevant courses for the development of the research project.

e.2) Masters, as per the regulations described at . The nominated student must be enrolled in a postgraduate program at the Host Institution of the process.

e.3) Doctorate and Direct Doctorate, as per the regulations described at and The nominated student must be enrolled in a postgraduate program at the Host Institution of the process.

e.4) Post-Doctorate, as per the regulations described at .

e.4.1) In the case of Post-Doctoral Fellowships granted as Associated Submission of the project, the selection process must be international and must be documented at the time of the implementation of each Fellowship.

e.4.2) If, at the time of the scholar’s nomination, the documents proving the public and international selection process are not presented, the Fellowship will not be granted by FAPESP.

e.5) Scientific Journalism (JC), as per the regulations described at

e.6) Public Education (EP), as per the regulations described at

e.7) Technical Training and Academic Training, as per the regulations described at

e.8) Generation Project Fellowship (must be included in the budget, as the Grant requires exclusive dedication of researchers without employment relationship).

9.2. Research Overhead (back to index)

a) The Research Overhead consists of two portions:

a.1) Fringe Benefits;

a.2) Institutional Infrastructure to Support Research

b) The Regulations for the Use of Research Overhead Resources are available at

c) In addition to the Research Overhead for Grants, a Research Overhead - Institutional Research Infrastructure (RTI) will also be granted, as per the regulations described at

d) Fringe Benefits of this Grant are limited to the annual amount defined for Regular Research Grant at

9.3. Non-fundable items (back to index)

Salaries of any kind, third-party services that are not technical and occasional, civil constructions that result in an increase in the built area, and administrative materials and services are not fundable.

Other restrictions on the use of funds granted by FAPESP are specified in the Regulations for the Use of Resources and Accountability of Grants and Scholarships/Fellowships, available at .

10. Format for proposal submission (back to index)

Applications for the Research Grant - Generation Project must be made exclusively through SAGe at the address: . In SAGe itself, in the tab “Manuais”, documents that guide user registration, preparation, and submission of grant proposals and institution registration requests can be found.

The proposal (both the pre-proposal and complete versions) must be fully prepared in Portuguese or English, including filling out the SAGe fields, except only for institutional documents (Annex II and Statement from the Head of the Host Institution) which must be filled exclusively in Portuguese.

10.1. Pre-proposal for eligibility check (back to index)

The pre-proposal must be prepared in Portuguese or English, including the fields in SAGe.

In this first phase of the analysis, all documents listed in SAGe as necessary for the Eligibility stage must be submitted:

a) Executive summary (maximum of 5 pages) of the research project, containing:

a.1) Title

a.2) Summary

a.3) General outlines of the research project containing a major question in its field of activity and the defense of its relevance, boldness, and potential impact concerning the current state of the art, both in the national and international context. The proposal must be sufficiently bold, containing its potential risks and capable of answering questions that have not yet been answered or challenging ideas that are not yet fully substantiated. The project team must be clearly defined and should expand possibilities for network collaboration. The connection with the UN Sustainable Development Goals should be informed, where possible.

b) Budget to be requested from FAPESP, including equipment and permanent materials, consumables, third-party services, Scholarships/Fellowships, and other requested items. The budget must be filled out in the R$/US$ tab of the proposal in SAGe. The “Custo Total da Proposta” includes the Direct Research Infrastructure Costs/ Review, Fringe Benefits, Import Provision, Institutional Research Overhead, Scholarships/Fellowships, including the Generation Fellowship, and the Research Overheads of these Fellowships. At this stage, there is no need to present 3 (three) budgets for requested permanent material items whose value exceeds ten minimum wages. The 3 (three) budgets must be attached to the complete proposal, if applicable. Small adjustments to the budget presented at this stage can be made in the proposals selected for the complete proposal submission.

c) Curriculum Summaries of the Principal Investigator (PI) and the Associated Researchers who will support the proposal, prepared according to the FAPESP model available at .

i. The curriculum summary (súmula curricular) must describe the candidate’s academic trajectory that culminated in the elaboration of the project’s central question. Report any interruptions due to medical, maternity and paternity leave, care for other people (e.g., the sick, elderly, people with disabilities), indicating start and end dates. Circumstances that may have impacted school and academic performance may also be reported.

d) The Associated Researchers who will participate in the team must be indicated in the Dados Gerais do Projeto > Pessoas Envolvida. To be indicated in the proposal, the Researchers must have a fully completed registration in SAGe (otherwise SAGe does not make the link) and confirm their participation in the project. It is not necessary, at the eligibility proposal stage, to indicate the other team members, who can be included at the complete proposal stage, if the pre-proposal is accepted.

e) Graduation and Doctorate completion certificates.

f) Complete Doctorate transcript of the Principal Investigator (PI), issued as an official document (with stamp and signature or with authenticity code). The transcript must contain: full names of the subjects; any failures or withdrawals of the candidate; the passing criteria (minimum grade) or, alternatively, a statement from the University stating the criteria.

g) New criteria for the analysis of grant applications, considering periods of absence of the applicant due to advent of offspring, disability, temporary disabilities, or intensive care for ill, elderly, or disabled people, apply to this call, as provided in Ordinance PR No. 171, of May 6, 2024.

10.2. Full proposal (back to index)

The full proposal must also be prepared in Portuguese or English, including filling out the SAGe fields, except only for institutional documents (Annex II and Statement from the Head of the Host Institution), which must be filled exclusively in Portuguese.

In this second phase of the analysis, all documents listed in SAGe as necessary for the Full Completion stagemust be submitted. The deadline for completing the documentation will be a maximum of two months after the opening of the diligence sent by FAPESP via email to the Principal Investigator (PI). Among the documents listed in SAGe and necessary for this stage of the analysis, we detail:

a) Research project. The project must clearly present its objectives, be original and bold, and be perfectly presented. The scientific basis of the project is expected to list the advances that can be achieved at the forefront of knowledge in the area and, therefore, that it is internationally competitive. Furthermore, research projects that include outreach activities will be valued. The research project must have a basis that demonstrates the state of the art, its originality, its impact on answering major questions, its impact on the advancement of science, its viability, its potential risks (in the design, approach, methodology, among others), and the means to overcome them.

a.1) The project needs to create conditions for the development of research in international collaboration. The proponent's strategy for establishing current and future collaboration networks needs to be explicitly stated in the project.

a.2) The project should include a section called “Institutional Support,” detailing the following items:

i. Specification of the Department (or equivalent administrative instance) where the project will be developed. If the project will be carried out within a specific group or laboratory, the name of the professor/researcher responsible for the group must be indicated. This responsible professor must be committed to allowing the project to be developed in their laboratory, providing the necessary support and infrastructure for the project’s execution. FAPESP considers that this commitment from the department and the research group (when applicable) is guaranteed by the signature of Annex II - Information approved by the Host Institution on institutional infrastructure (Mandatory document for proposal submission), as well as the support policy of the Institutional Support Offices for project accounting.

a.3) The body of the project must be a maximum of 20 pages, excluding appendices.

b) Project execution timeline.

c) Individual activity plans for each requested Scientific Initiation, Master’s, Doctorate, Direct Doctorate, Post-Doctorate, Scientific Journalism, Public Education, Technical Training, and/or Course Participation Scholarship/Fellowship. It is not necessary to indicate the recipients’ names when submitting the Grant proposal. If the Scholarship/Fellowship is approved, the Principal Investigator (PI) for the Grant must conduct a selection process for them. For each requested Technical and/or Academic Training fellowships, the Activity Plan must be prepared according to the template available for download in SAGe, including: title and summary of the activity plan; intended objectives; work plan; justifications for the chosen Scholarship/Fellowship level and the proposed activity plan.

d) Budgets from suppliers/authorized representatives. For each requested permanent material item whose unit value exceeds ten minimum wages, submit 3 (three) budgets or notify FAPESP in the case there is only one supplier.

e) Description of activities developed by the team. For each Associate Researcher, Fellowship/Scholarship Recipient, and Non-recipient Student included in the team, it is necessary to succinctly describe their activities in the project in up to one paragraph.

f) Data Management Plan, prepared according to the guidelines available at The document must contain up to two pages, indicating:

f.1) Description of the data and metadata produced by the project - for example, samples, collection records, forms, templates, experimental results, software, graphs, maps, videos, spreadsheets, audio recordings, databases, educational material, and others.

f.2) When applicable, legal or ethical restrictions for sharing such data, policies to ensure privacy, confidentiality, security, intellectual property, and others.

f.3) Preservation and sharing policy (e.g., immediate sharing or only after the associated publication is accepted). Grace period (before sharing) and the period during which the data will be preserved and made available.

f.4) Description of mechanisms, formats, and standards for storing such items to make them accessible to third parties. This description may include the use of repositories and services from other institutions.

g) Statement from the Head of the Host Institution, as per the model available for download in SAGe.

h) Information approved by the Host Institution on institutional infrastructure, according to the Annex II template available for download at SAGe, containing the description of institutional support and the infrastructure already available and to be made available for the project's development, including:

h.1) Existing academic, administrative, and technical support services at the Host Institution;

h.2) Facilities. Identify the institutional spaces (e.g., laboratories) necessary for the project’s development;

h.3) Personnel hired by the Host Institution to support the project.

This document must be signed by the Principal Investigator (PI) and the Head of the Host Institution with the authority to guarantee the commitments contained therein and it must be attached to the Grant Contract if the proposal is approved (handwritten signature on the printed document subsequently scanned or digitally certified).

i) Equipment park: description of the scientific equipment park at the Host Institution. Information on the format of the equipment presentation is listed in Attachment 4.

j) Term of knowledge and agreement for the recording of the project presentation interview. Proponents must, according to the model available for download in SAGe, acknowledge and agree to the oral presentation of the project and the interview, and authorize it to be recorded in audio and video, aiming for a general analysis of its content by the evaluation committee members.

k) Results of previous grants. In the case that the Principal Investigator (PI) has participated as a Principal Investigator, Co-Principal Investigator, or as a beneficiary of other Grants or Scholarships/Fellowships granted by FAPESP in the last 5 years, submit a document containing their results, project titles, and process numbers. If they have not participated in any FAPESP Grants or Scholarships/Fellowships, submit a document containing the following phrase: “The Principal Investigator has not received support from FAPESP under the defined conditions in the last 5 years.”

l) Proof of leave or resignation for candidates with employment relationship (it may be delivered later, until the acceptance date of the grant, if awarded).

l.1) In cases where the researcher has no employment relationship, a signed declaration containing this information must be presented.

m) Acceptance Term for Transfer of Material Ownership by Use Concession and/or Donation, according to the template available for download at SAGe: a mandatory document for the initial hiring of the Grant, in cases where there is the provision of resources in the permanent material item.

10.3. Project presentation and interview (back to index)

In this third phase of analysis, candidates must make a presentation of the research project to an examining board and answer questions. The project presentation will be in-person at FAPESP’s headquarters. Exceptional situations preventing in-person presentation can be forwarded in advance and will be analyzed by FAPESP. Candidates must prepare:

a) A PowerPoint presentation of the research proposal, including, but not limited to, the project’s central question, problem contextualization, and experimental design to answer the question. The proponent’s academic trajectory is expected to be included within the presentation, substantiating the project's justification.

b) Presentations will last a maximum of 10 minutes, followed by a 15-minute question session in Portuguese or English by the examining board, with a 15-minute replica. The question session may exceed 15 minutes if deemed necessary by the examining board.

11. Legal Authorizations Required for Research Execution (back to index)

The researcher and the Host Institution are responsible for requesting, obtaining, and getting all the legal authorizations required for the proper execution of the project. When so required, such authorizations must be issued by the control and auditing bodies relating to the nature of the research.

If the proposal is approved, The Grant Contract will have a clause stipulating that the Principal Investigator and the Host Institution must have such permits to present to FAPESP whenever requested.

12. Intellectual Property (back to index)

FAPESP's rules regarding the intellectual property of the results of projects supported by the Foundation are described at

13. Analysis Process (back to index)

Requests submitted to FAPESP in its various support modalities are analyzed using a peer review system. (

The number of Grants that can be awarded must comply with the limits defined in FAPESP’s annual budget proposal, approved by the Foundation’s Superior Council.

For the awarding of Research Grants - Generation Project, the aim is to identify, in the analysis conducted by FAPESP’s Scientific Advisory, proposals considered excellent in five components:

a) Research project;

b) Academic history of the Principal Investigator (PI);

c) Conditions offered by the Host Institution;

d) Requested budget; and

e) Presentation skills in the oral presentation of the project and the researcher's ability to defend and contextualize their proposal and mastery of the proposed topic.

The analysis is carried out in 3 stages:

a) Phase 1 - Eligibility analysis of pre-proposals:

A specific advisory committee will assess whether the pre-proposal is eligible considering the requirements and objectives of the Call for Research Grants - Generation Project. Only proposals that meet all criteria will be included in the selection process. When necessary, experts may assist the advisory committee in this analysis. Proposals in this phase will be assessed based on scientific capacity, creativity, originality, boldness, and the state of the art of the research project. Only pre-proposals deemed meritorious in all aspects will be considered for the completion of the full proposal and will enter phase 2 of the analysis. The number of candidates invited to participate in phase 2 will be three to four times greater than the final number of proposals to be supported.

b) Phase 2 - Merit analysis of full proposals:

Each full proposal, consisting of a research project and attached supporting documents in the SAGe system, will be independently evaluated by at least two ad hoc advisors. At the end, the proposals will be selected based on the merit as per the advisors’ opinions. International advisors may be invited to compose the advisory committee for this call.

c) Phase 3 - Project presentation and interview:

By submitting proposals to the Call, candidates acknowledge and expressly agree to the mentioned oral presentation and interview and authorize it to be recorded in audio and video for a general analysis of its content by the evaluation committee members for candidate selection. Non-acceptance of these terms implies the elimination of the candidate.

The presentation will be expository, in-person, in Portuguese or English, and will include the following items:

(i) personal introduction, academic and scientific trajectory, and origin of the idea;

(ii) central question and context in which it is inserted, its originality, relevance to scientific knowledge; and

(iii) national, international impact, and collaboration networks of the proposal.

The researcher may use visual resources (charts, formulas, and, if relevant, preliminary results). At the end of the presentation, the evaluation committee will question the project, and the candidate can defend their ideas. The researcher's ability to defend and contextualize their proposal and mastery of the proposed topic will be evaluated. Only proposals deemed meritorious in all aspects will be considered for this phase.

13.1. Criteria used in the analysis (back to index)

Each request is analyzed considering five components:

a) Research Project; b) Academic history of the Principal Investigator (PI); c) Conditions offered by the Host Institution; d) Requested budget; e) Presentation skills in the oral presentation of the project and the researcher's ability to defend and contextualize their proposal and mastery of the proposed topic.

a) Research project

a.1) The research project is original, bold, internationally competitive, and perfectly presented. a.2) The research challenges are perfectly formulated and positioned against the state of the art and existing literature.

a.3) The described methodology is convincing.

a.4) It informs the advances its results would bring to the area of knowledge in which it is inserted, if successful.

a.5) The results have a high possibility of significantly expanding the frontier of knowledge in the area and, therefore, having a highly relevant scientific impact.

a.6) The proposed timeline is adequate for the project's development.

a.7) The participation of undergraduate or graduate students, in the case of projects carried out in academic institutions, is adequate.

a.8) The proposed activity plans for the Fellowships requested as a budget item in the proposal and their quantity are adequate.

a.9) The Data Management Plan is adequate for the proposed project, considering any applicable ethical, confidentiality, security, and other restrictions, according to the practices of the discipline(s) involved in the project.

b) Academic history of the Principal Investigator (PI)

b.1) Potential capacity for independent leadership of research projects related to the proposal's theme under analysis. Successful experience as a researcher with evidence of academic independence from mentors and supervisors must be demonstrated.

In the eligibility and analysis phases, indicators that help evaluate the quality and independence of their work are (1) quality of publications resulting from projects under their responsibility and also those without co-authorship of the doctoral advisor or post-doctoral supervisor; (2) protagonism evidenced in these publications; (3) number of papers presented at prominent conferences in the research area; (4) other indicators (e.g., awards, participation in organizing committees, moderating scientific sessions, round tables at prominent conferences, holding licensed patents). Demonstrating independence is especially crucial when the project will be developed in the same institution/department/research group where the proponent has been conducting their training and research activities.

b.2) Additionally, the quality and regularity of scientific and/or technological production will be evaluated. Important elements for this analysis are: list of publications in journals with selective editorial policies; books or book chapters published; patents in which the researcher is listed as an inventor; other intellectual property instruments; research results effectively transferred and adopted by companies or the government; and other relevant information.

(i) The fundamental document to inform this criterion’s analysis is the Curriculum Summary ( presented with the proposal.

b.3) Although it is not a mandatory requirement for this modality, when applicable, FAPESP may positively consider international research experience during or after the doctorate or international research collaborations with results.

b.4) Other considerations about the researcher’s scientific, technological, and academic production relevant to the feasibility and scientific quality analysis of the proposal.

c) Conditions offered by the Host Institution

c.1) The research tradition of the Institution.

c.2) Institutional commitment to the proposal and institutional policy of support for early-career researchers.

c.3) Adequacy of the institutional infrastructure, physical and support personnel offered by the Institution where the project will be carried out.

c.4) Effects that supporting the proposal may have on the Institution in terms of integrated research and the training of human resources.

d) Requested budget

d.1) Necessity of the requested equipment and permanent materials for the project’s execution, also considering the existing infrastructure at the Institution and the applicant’s ability to use them.

d.2) Evaluation of whether there are equipment and permanent materials for which FAPESP should or could request the establishment of an access system for third parties not involved in this Project.

d.3) Necessity of the requested consumables for the project’s execution.

d.4) Necessity and adequacy of third-party services for the project’s execution, also evaluating whether: (i) Third-party services are only technical and occasional, as required by FAPESP’s rules; and (ii) If in any case, it is reasonable to expect that the requested service should be provided by the Host Institution of the project as a counterpart to FAPESP's support.

d.5) Adequacy of the other values and items in the requested budget in relation to the proposed research project’s objectives.

e) Presentation skills in the oral presentation of the project and the researcher's ability to defend and contextualize their proposal and mastery of the proposed topic.

e.1) Theoretical knowledge of the project as a whole: hypothesis, objectives, methods, and expected results;

e.2) Organization and objectivity in the project presentation;

e.3) Confidence and knowledge in responding to questions.

13.2. Administrative Appeals (back to index)

a) If any of the proponents have justification to contest the result of the proposal evaluation, they may submit an appeal using a specific electronic form available on FAPESP’s web page where the analysis and selection process results are announced, within 7 (seven) calendar days from the date of publication of the result on FAPESP’s web page and the availability of opinions to the proponents.

b) In counting the deadline, the day of the start is excluded, and the day of the end is included, and consecutive days are considered. The deadline will start and end on business days at FAPESP.

c) The appeal request must be directed to the Technical-Administrative Council (CTA) of FAPESP. d) At this stage, the reformulation of proposals will not be accepted.

e) If the appeal is admitted for analysis by the CTA, it will be forwarded to the Project Generation Call Management Committee for an opinion. Based on the opinions, the CTA of FAPESP will make the final decision, subject to the Superior Council’s approval.

14. Scientific Reports (back to index)

a) Scientific Reports must be submitted on the dates specified in the Grant Contract and Acceptance.

b) Partial and final Scientific Reports should be prepared following the model available at

c) Documents required for submitting the Scientific Report:

c.1) A document with a succinct and justified description of the use of Research Overhead and Additional Benefits.

c.2) When submitting the Final Scientific Report, the Principal Investigator (PI) must include the link to a webpage describing how to access the data provided by the project, as described in the approved Data Management Plan.

i) This link can be provided from the first Scientific Report and is mandatory in the submission of the Final Scientific Report.

(ii) The link must be included in the submission of the Scientific Report in SAGe.

d) Presentation format: Processes submitted through the SAGe system must have the Scientific Reports sent electronically, as described in the “Submission of RC” manual, which can be consulted within SAGe, under the “Manual” link.

15. Financial Reports (back to index)

a) The Rules for the Use of Resources and Accounting for Grants and Fellowships are available at

b) Accounting reports must be submitted on the dates specified in the Grant Contract and Acceptance. Guidelines for submitting the Accounting Report are available at

c) FAPESP allows the Principal Investigator (PI) to designate users to assist in preparing the Accounting Report in the SAGe system. Detailed instructions on preparing and submitting the electronic Accounting Report, as well as on designating support users, can be found in the Researcher Support Manuals , available in the “Manuals” link within SAGe.

16. Changes in the Grant (back to index)

a) Signing the Grant Contract and Acceptance implies that the Principal Investigator (PI) acknowledges that the conditions and resources granted by FAPESP are sufficient, barring unforeseeable circumstances, to enable the execution of the approved project.

b) Therefore, researchers are advised to sign the Grant Contract only after ensuring that the conditions, items, and amounts of the budget approved by FAPESP are, under foreseeable circumstances, sufficient to fully ensure the successful development of the project in question.

c) If this certainty is not present, it is recommended that the researcher accept the grant by selecting the “Request Changes” option and immediately submit a well-founded change request for FAPESP’s analysis. d) Recognizing that in some cases, after the initial grant, there may be occurrences affecting project development requiring changes to the contracted conditions, FAPESP accepts requests for changes to the Grant Contract under the conditions outlined at

ATTACHMENTS (back to index)

Attachment 1 – Definitions

a) Principal Investigator (PI): The researcher responsible for the preparation, submission of the proposal, and for the scientific and administrative coordination of the project, if approved by FAPESP.

a.1) Must be up to date with FAPESP (issuing opinions, returning processes, submitting Scientific Reports, and Financial Accountability). Proposals whose Principal Investigator is in debt with FAPESP for more than 60 (sixty) days will not be eligible for review.

b) Associated Researcher (AR): A researcher on the team, appointed by the Principal Investigator and approved by FAPESP, who takes responsibility for contributing to parts of the Research Project.

c) Host Institution: The institution where the research will be conducted and which will be associated with the Principal Investigator for project purposes. This association refers to the relationship generated by the Grant Agreement to be signed with FAPESP, focusing on the approved research project within the scope of the Generation Project, with no other employment relationship as per item 6.1.a of the Call for Proposals. The Host Institution must commit to the custody and access of materials and equipment, provide institutional support for the research project, and manage any intellectual property created.

Attachment 2 – Conditions and Obligations

Principal Investigator

During the term of the Grant, the Principal Investigator must meet the following conditions and obligations:

a) Stay up to date with FAPESP (issuing opinions, returning processes, submitting Scientific Reports, and Financial Accountability) under the penalty of funding suspension.

b) Be aware of the obligations specified in the Grant Agreement.

b.1) Failure to comply with the norms and what is specified in the Grant Agreement may result in the cancellation of the Research Grant and the obligation to return funds already released by FAPESP, adjusted for inflation.

b.2) Obligations regarding the Generation Project Fellowship will be specified in the Fellowship Grant Agreement.

c) Provide free merit reviews when requested by FAPESP on topics within their expertise and within the deadlines set by the Foundation.

d) Consult FAPESP before committing to an absence from the Host Institution for more than 90 days, following instructions available at .

e) Consult FAPESP before accepting any financial support from any other funding source, public or private, for the development of the research project related to the granted funding.

f) Make no changes to the project (initial plan, dates, etc.) without prior consent from the Foundation.

g) Submit Scientific Reports and Financial Accountability within the deadlines specified in the Grant Agreement, accompanied by the required documentation.

h) Take all necessary steps to ensure the success of the approved research project.

i) Acknowledge FAPESP support in theses, articles, books, conference presentations, and any other publications or forms of dissemination resulting, in whole or in part, from the Foundation's funding, as outlined in Clause 7 of the Grant Agreement.

j) If the research project supported by the granted funding received financial support from any other source, public or private, the researcher must inform and make explicit reference to this support, clearly identifying the source in all dissemination forms mentioned in the previous item.

k) Take necessary steps to ensure that, through the service offered by the Host Institution, the complete texts of articles or other scientific communications resulting, wholly or partially, from the project funded by FAPESP and published in international journals are made available in an institutional repository, following the open-access policies of each journal. This must occur as soon as the manuscripts are approved for publication or, at the latest, 12 months after the publication date. FAPESP's Open Access Policy for Publications Resulting from Grants and Fellowships is available at

l) Verify in a timely manner whether the execution of the project produces or may produce results potentially subject to protection through Patent, Utility Model, Industrial Design, Software, or any other form of Intellectual Property protection, following FAPESP's Intellectual Property Policy, available at

m) Be aware of and comply with the guidelines of FAPESP's Code of Good Scientific Practices, available at

n) Ensure proper data management during the project.

o) Use the updated versions of standards, forms, and procedures available on the websites and .

p) Register for and complete the training provided by the FAPESP Mentoring Program if not already done: .

Host Institution

During the term of the Grant, the Host Institution must meet the following conditions and obligations:

a) Guarantee the Principal Investigator and the team of researchers all necessary institutional support for the project's execution, as previously agreed with the Principal Investigator.

a.1) In particular, physical space must be guaranteed for the proper installation and operation of equipment, permission for the use of all facilities (laboratories, computing networks, libraries, databases, etc.), and access to all services (laboratory technicians, administrative, importation, etc.) available at the Institution and relevant for the project.

a.2) For the Generation Project, the infrastructure that will be made available must be clearly defined, as the resources are not intended for setting up infrastructure like the Young Researcher Grant or formal employment with the Institution like the PI Program.

b) Be ready to assume the commitments with FAPESP regarding the transfer of ownership and/or donation of permanent equipment and materials acquired with project funds.

b.1) The Host Institution commits to making its best efforts to guarantee and facilitate access to equipment acquired by FAPESP for researchers from institutions in São Paulo state and from outside the state for developing qualified research projects.

b.2) In the Generation Project, the transfer of ownership or donation of permanent materials will only occur after the Grant's expiration.

Attachment 3 – Restrictions

The Principal Investigator is prohibited from:

a) Being or having been the Principal Investigator on another Research Grant (ongoing or completed) in the following categories: Regular Research Grant, Young Researcher, Young Researcher 2, Initial Project Grant π, Thematic Project, Public Policy Research Program, Public Education Program, CEPID, CPE/CPA, PITE.

b) Being or having been the Principal Investigator on another Research Grant in the categories: Thematic Project, CEPID, CPE/CPA, PITE, or any other FAPESP modality that includes Principal Investigators.

c) Making expenses outside the term of the Grant Agreement.

d) Modifying the approved project (initial plan, dates, etc.) without prior consent from FAPESP.

Attachment 4 – Equipment Inventory

FAPESP requests that the Host Institution maintain an annually updated inventory of its equipment, which should be made available to researchers with institutional approval.

Page updated on 09/30/2024 - Published on 09/30/2024