
Erick L. Bastos

Erick L. Bastos

Erick L. Bastos was born in 1975 in São Paulo, Brazil. As a Ph.D. student with Prof. Wilhelm Baader (Universidade de São Paulo, Organic Chemistry, 2000 – 2004), he performed the synthesis and physical–organic chemical studies of chemiluminescent substrates for biological applications. Following post-doctoral work with Prof. Omar El Seoud on the development of sustainable surfactant ionic liquids, Dr. Bastos tool up the position of Assistant Professor at the Universidade Federal do ABC, where he worked from 2006 to 2011.

In 2011, he moved to the Instituto de Química, Universidade de São Paulo and became Associate Professor in 2013. His research is centered on the organic chemistry and photochemistry of plants pigments and their derivatives, with the objectives of: (i) understanding the role of natural pigments, particularly betalains, in signaling; (ii) chemically modifying natural pigments in ways that can enhance their technological applications, e.g., as dyes or pigments, as antioxidants or drugs for neglected diseases.

He is the author of 37 papers, 9 book chapters and 1 book. For a full publication list, access: http://lattes.cnpq.br/1765001992629979.

Página atualizada em 23/10/2014 - Publicada em 23/10/2014