Belmont Forum International: Call Scoping Workshop on Food security and land use change
Workshop objective
To define inter- and trans-disciplinary research areas relating to food security and land use change encompassing the interactions between social, economic and natural systems across spatial and temporal scales.
Research outputs should be targeted towards decision-making (including in public, private and communities) and innovation (technological, organisational as well as institutional), recognising the complexity of the associated decision-making processes and innovation challenges.
The scoping workshop involving Belmont Forum programme officers as well as scientists nominated by the Belmont Forum countries will also be an opportunity to discuss the various ways the overarching objective is approached according to regions with different socio-economic (including land use rights) and ecosystems characteristics. Output will be a proposed topic for a Belmont Forum CRA, to put to the Belmont Forum at their meeting in February 2013, for approval.
The workshop is proposed for December 17, 18 and 19 2012, near São Paulo Brazil. Further details will be established once the main elements of the Call for Research Announcement (CRA) are agreed upon.
Workshop structure and expected outcome
We are planning for a 3 day workshop (17, 18 & 19 December 2012) with 60 participants with experience in food security research. The objective is to have an interdisciplinary group of scientists (social, economic and natural science) from different parts of the world, to define the main gaps in food security research by sharing their local, regional and global expertise on this topic.
The meeting will be divided into plenary sections for presentations of study cases and general discussions and small working groups to discuss and define the main questions that need to be addressed in above mentioned themes.
By the end of the meeting a document will be produced highlighting the main results and identified gaps that will allow formatting the Belmont Forum call for proposals on food security and land use change.
Official hotel
Howard Johnson Faria Lima Inn (15 minutos da FAPESP / 15 minutes from FAPESP)
Rua Tavares Cabral, 61 – Pinheiros - São Paulo - SP
Phone: +55 11 3093.7200
Hotel Quality Faria Lima (15 minutos da FAPESP / 15 minutes from FAPESP)
Endereço: R. Diogo Moreira, 247, Pinheiros - São Paulo/SP
Phone: +55 11 2197.7050
Golden Tower São Paulo Hotel (20 minutos da FAPESP / 20 minutes from FAPESP)
Rua Dep. Lacerda Franco, 148 - Pinheiros – São Paulo/SP
Phone: +55 11 3094-2200
Go Inn Jaguaré (10 minutos da FAPESP / 10 minutes from FAPESP)
Avenida Jaguaré , 1664 - São Paulo – SP
CEP: 05346-000
Fone: (5511) 3716-2656 /Fax: (5511) 3716-2656
Plaza Inn American Loft São Paulo (20 minutos da FAPESP / 20 minutes from FAPESP)
Rua Turiassu, 1863 – Perdizes - São Paulo - SP
Phone: +55 11 2125-1800